This set contains a total of 39 cards from the Lord of the Rings Card Game Core Set published by Fantasy Flight Games. All cards are new and unplayed. Includes 1 each of the following Hero cards: Gloin, Theodred, Aragorn, Denethor, Glorfindel, Beravor, Gimli, Legolas, Thalin, Eowyn, Eleanor, Dunhere. Also includes 3 copies each of the following player cards: Blade Mastery, Guard of the Citadel, Stand and Fight, Daughter of the Nimrodel, Lore of Imladris, Lorien Guide, Veteran Axehand, Snowbourn Scout, Gondorian Spearman.
Product information
Product Dimensions 4 x 4 x 4 inches
Item Weight 4 ounces