It's been 10 years since the last time we made a Kobolds game, and in that time we have evolved as designers and as a company. We've been dying to bring the simplicity and speed of our polymorph™ rules system to the experience of Kobolds for years, and now we can. We've also learned so much about making cool books and products - and we're excited to get a new, tasty book in your hands.
What can I expect in the new edition?
Over 100 pages of silly jokes and sillier kobolds
Even faster character creation (necessary since you die a lot)
Streamlined, elegant rules that make it even more fun to die horribly for King Torg (All Hail King Torg!)
polymorph is so easy, a Kobold could play - roll your die and check to see if you succeeded
Death Checks and Damage all rolled into a single system
Treats (you'll have to wait to hear more about it)
Random Tables
More Random Tables
And, in case you were worried, some Random Tables